HOM Music – Heart of Music

Started singing career in 1990,is known to be the first Chinese female pop singer-songwriter in the local music scene. Pop Albums released include – Ni Zhi Liu Xia Ji Mo, Ai Wo Gei Wo Zi You, Chew Paul Wah Vol 3 etc.

Teacher Paul Wah won the 1992 Best Album of the Year award (for new artistes from overseas) in Taiwan and best recording, composing, lyrics and performance in the Persatuan Wartawan Hiburan Wilayah Persekutuan. She also took part in the nationwide concert tour of Top 10 Local Chinese singers.

Specialised in Pop Vocal, she has teaching experience in pop vocal since 1992 as well as Professional Artist Performance. Teacher Paul Wah is an established Jingle Vocal Talent, a producer, composer, lyricist, and backup singer/backup vocalist for live concert and album recording. She took part in concert tours worldwide for renowned Artistes such as Fauziah Latiff, Robin Leow. She was also featured in musicals including “Siddhartha” locally and overseas such as South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia. She was invited by Imee Ooi as guest appearance for “Heart

Sutra”. Teacher Paul Wah was a backup vocalist for various world- renowned Artistes’ concerts, Awards’ Concerts, signing competitions and charity show such as APM Anugerah, Akademi Fantasia, Kris Dayanti, Sheila Majid, Shila Amzar, Sky Wu & Jeff Chang, Jenny Tseng, Su Rui, Lisa Wang, Michael Wong, Gary Chow, Sandy Lam, Jacky Cheung concerts etc.

She was also the Pop Vocal training course instructor for Astro Talent

Quest and Stars Academy 2 (2022) and Honorable Judge for the Astro

Classic Golden Melody competition, 8TV singing competition, Cultures of China-Water Cube Cup Chinese Songs Contest etc.

Currently the vocal instructor in Paul Wah Productions providing training and vocal techniques to singers and young people.

  • 1990年出道,马来西亚首位女创作歌手,推出专辑《你只留下寂寞》
  • 1991年第二张专辑《爱我,给我自由》,入选南洋十大歌手
  • 1991年第一位女歌手在台湾发行首张专辑《你只留下寂寞》,荣获台湾中广电台海外歌手《最佳专辑奖》
  • 1992年荣获娱协最佳十大金曲词曲演绎奖
  • 1993年第三张专辑《周博华Volumn 3-想你想成习惯》
  • 曾担任电台DJ、节目/十大主持人、广告录音、制作人
  • 1998年为柯以敏创作词曲的<想得太美>,获得娱协十大金曲奖之一.
  • 1999年推出个人著作[乍喜乍悲]
  • 2000年成立音乐学院-Encore Music
  • 2002年-2008年参与音乐剧演出,《释迦牟尼佛传》、《圆满的生命》
  • 曾担任歌手:哈林、苏芮、甄妮、光良、曹格、张学友,张智成,Sheila Majid, Shila Amzar及其他马来歌手等等演唱会及颁奖礼的和音天使
  • 2011年发行专辑《TIME 》
  • 并在2011年6月和2014年9月分别在KLPac及DPac举行了两场个人音乐会.
  • 2011年10月在吉隆坡NO BLACK TIE爵士音乐坊举行两场音乐会.
  • 曾参与3 场<春雷动地>午台音乐剧,和男高音林清福搭档,在这部缅怀林连玉的乐剧中担任主唱歌手.
  • 2015发行《25年华演唱会现场录音》专辑。
  • 2012 -2021年被邀请当培训ASTRO 新秀和经典名曲比赛的导师老师和评审.
  • 2015/2016文化水力方杯两届总决赛评审
  • 8TV 终极歌唱比赛评审
  • 2014-2019 被邀参与Amitofo Care Centre 和非洲孤儿国际巡回演出
  • 2019 被邀参与演出《药师如来音乐剧》
  • 2020 1月参与黄慧音老师新加坡《心经演唱会》演出
  • 被邀指导《地藏音乐剧》和《遇见观音音乐剧》歌手歌唱
  • 2019 & 2023 被邀当台湾歌手陈升吉隆坡和新加坡演唱会的演唱嘉宾
  • 2023 astro经典名曲歌唱大赛面试评审及导师
  • 目前主要工作指导艺人歌手和学生声乐训练/制作/创作歌曲